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Inclusive Leadership Coaching
Inclusive Leadership Coaching guides clients through thought-provoking and creative discovery towards their own solutions and goals, inviting opportunities for growth, transforming and optimizing their leadership practices.
Using either the Intercultural Development Inventory™ or the Energy Leadership Index as a foundational assessment tool at the start of the coaching relationship, we will identify and build on strengths as well as highlight areas for development in your leadership practice.
In addition, clients will learn to more effectively:
Navigate interactions and situations with others in times of challenge or resistance to change
Engage in challenging and courageous conversations from a place of compassion, empathy and strength
Detach from unnecessary drama in personal and professional situations and respond from a place of emotional intelligence, transforming personal interactions in all areas of their life
Appreciate and harness their vulnerability, creating the space for more authentic personal and professional relationships and collaborations.
Increase emotional intelligence skills and create the conditions for greater personal and professional satisfaction.
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